There is a great chance that you, like me, were told through life:
"See things for what they really are and not through "Rose Colored Glasses!"
Or possibly you were accused of having "Tunnel Vision" keeping your focus on only one thing!
If you have remained focused as I have since small upon what is above and not below...
If you have kept your eyes on HIM whom others have never seen for they lack FAITH and refuse to believe...
Refuse to see what is not yet but could be and speak of it as though it already is....
That HE who watches over HIS Holy Word spoken with FAITH of mere mustard dust....
Will perform it for us!
Tunnel vision of this sort is to be both admired and sought...
For he and she who have obtained such a gift shall never be lost!
So next time you are accused for singing only one tune and never being blue...
When you are accused of seeing and appreciating what you have and not noticing what you lack...
Rejoice with me as we dance into The House of The Lord!
Rejoice and coninue to sing HIM new songs even when their complaints hit an uproar!
And I can even proclaim that I had physical tunnel vision FOR REAL...but no more...
AS I offer HIM and you my laughter and cheer....I PRAISE HIM singing....
For though I should have been lost for sure no time I ever was!!
HE did my seeing for me then and I continue to let HIM now...
HE yearns to both see and light your path too...but HE can only if we let HIM!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
5 years ago