Saturday, September 21, 2013

Turn Around Watch Where Your Going.. You Don't Have Eyes In Back of Your Head!......... Or Do You?? I Do...and You Can Too!

Turn around!  Pay Attention!  Your Eyes Aren't Put Out And They Aren't in Back of Your Head!
I can hear it clearly as loud as it was cackled at me when I was a child and through my teenage years
But if you like me..follow the Lord closely obediently...
HE remains both before you leading you and behind you defending you from your foes before they can cause you HIS eyes never miss anything...
So whether you or I are not payin attention to what they the fakey flakes or commanding or saying while listening carefully to each of HIS directions to your heart...
You are far better off than having lots of sets of eyes security guarding you.
And even if you are physically blind like I once was for real...before HE gave me a Eucharistic MIRACLE...
Maybe you are using one of those who are fortunate enough to have a computer that is reading this aloud to you...for your eyes are dimming...
The One who always was and still is...who sits upon the throne above...watching waiting and listening for you to ask HIM outloud for what is not believing HE is both willing and able to do all things...HE is watching you now waiting for you...So open your mouth now and ask HIM to see...expecting your eyes to be opened NOW...those of you who cannot hear...Hear now...
For God's promises are for all...listen not any longer to the irratable sour graper...
But to the only True Vine and Vine Grower...reach out to and you will be glad you acknowledged the "Eyes" that are forever upon you!
Amen Amen Amen!
Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO Box 1144
Ponchatoula LA 70454