Thursday, October 22, 2009


I definately want to tell my story!   It is really amazing that I am even alive to tell it!

For starters I had my first adequate eye exam of my life!
Even though I had an excellent eye doctor for many of my teenage into adult life, he nor anyone else at anytime of my life told me in a way that I understood how to answer their questions that the use to determine a patients range of peripheral vision!
Remember as a child the eye care proffessional would say: "Watch the froggie on the stick...  now keep your eyes on my nose and tell me when you see the froggie!"

Well, a person born completely deaf lets say... usually has much sharper vision than the average.  Just as some blind folks hear such the faintest sounds I as a child thought my Grand Mothers had eyes on the back of their heads since their eyes on their faces did not work!

Well, I was born dead, recessitated, my eyes cast to side and could not focus on anything in front me, but saw only what was on the far opposite sides of me.

I had muscle surgery at age 3 months to correct this problem, but the world famous surgeon who operated on me.... Dr Robert Azar Sr must have never explained to my parents I would never have depth perception.

And after my recent exam by Dr Hasson, and June  of Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord NC, I learned that I also can only see what is directly in front of me eyes!!!

YiYi Yi Yi!!!  YIKES...  No wonder I have had soSSOOOOO many close calls...  GOD has literally snatched me from absolute certain death...  must be a trillion more times a day every day of my life since I first crawled!!

How overwhelmingly heart warming!!  And I not knowing...  not having a clue Never thanked GOD trillions of times which HE deserved enormous thanks and praise!

For I speed skated on Rollers... ans ICE....  YIKES!!!
Biked up and down ramps...  sometimes with my baby on my back>>>  Can you Imagine???

I can't>>>  How increadible is that???  Only in GOD can any soul find rest...  or in my case PROTECTION... as well also!!

On Friday, after returning to JC penneys Optical of the Concord Mall in  weConcord NC on HWY 29 near 601a really botched job pair of glasses measured by Vicki L Eudy after having them for a week after she had told me "You have to get used to them!"
We, my husband and I went to LensCrafters within the same mall!

John Rizzo measured me correctly for the first time ever in my life! Imagine needing glasses since childood and never having received an appropriate pair of glasses, not because your parents did not take you to fine doctors...

My parents I am sure paid out much on my eyes... little did not only they know that I could not see anything...  not even a tiny fraction of what I can see now...

Even though Only GOD can correct my depth perception and lack of peripheral vision.

I am positive my parents never knew just how blind I was!!!
Because through out life they got angry, popped me "Why don't you watch where you are going???"

When I came home with my wonderful LensCrafters glasses, I Actually came home Horrified that My HOUSE IS FILTHY!!!!!
I could not see most dirt & grime!!  I am very overwhelmed by how I have not been cleaning my house, though I have been going through the motions of doing so.... sweeping... scrubbing each part of the house!

I felt so sick seeing the crud we have been living in I could Vomit!!  No wonder my husband has been so frustrated!!  Having nothing but horror stories of Lens Crafter's in
New Orleans LA area, and combine that we thought the gentleman in LensCrafers Concord a bit wild and unmarried... no Wedding Band...

I was a bit afraid to have his face & hands that close to mine!

That is why I had gone to JC Penny's to begin with...  I was a bit nervous getting into the face of an unmarried man!

But much to my delightful surprise... John, the LensCrafters guy though like me very energetic and a bit too eager & enthusiatic to help me, or so I thought....

He is very much a gentleman...very educated, highly respectable and honorable man!

Turned out he like my husband is an American Vietnam Veteran, having been in the same part of Vietnam as my husband.  He & his wife are both Catholic like us and share the same convictions about many issues concerning todays society.

His Wedding Band was cracked and he & his wife getting new bands and renewing their vows soon after 37 years of mariage!!

So this once again proves the scripture...  WE CANNOT JUDGE FROM OUTWARD APPEARANCES...

We are not to judge others at all... For only GOD can see the heart!!
And though we are told to be weary of those who wash their heads and wear fine robes.... whose insides make GOD VOMIT....
Often if we by pass one who "Seems" to be a bit this or that...
We could be passing by a pearl the Lord Himself placed in our path to Bless us!

I recomend to anyone in Concord/Charlotte NC area to get their glasses from John Rizzo at LensCrafters....

He does the finest work... he educated us as well...
How many folks are aware that not all states license Opticians!!
Obviouly Louisiana where I was born does not!!  Not much of a surprise though to me!!

So much in Louisiana has been substandard compared to other parts of the country!

This is just a tip of still another iceberg... another hole in the fabric of both colorful politics to match the Swiss Cheezy way every thing has been done in all facets of life in the BIGGEST HOLE in the ground beneath the sea!


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