Impaired Driving regardless to the cause!!!
Below you can see the statistics of how many people die because of drunk driving!
But how many more should not be on the road due to other types of impairment!
Some that have absolutely no legal penalty!!
Most States do not License Opticians who measure a patient and makes their glasses and contacts to the doctors orders!
Since in some states they do net even have to go to school, but apply for a job, with on the job training! No testing! No Continuing Education!!
Do your Eyes have it???
Or are you like me, not seeing what you should!!!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
MADD Online <>Date: Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:38 PM
Subject: Thank You For Your Pledge
 |  |   |  | Dear Mrs Stephanie,
We are deeply grateful for your support of our efforts. Your pledge makes a difference -- Every year, nearly 13,000 people are killed by drunk drivers with an illegal alcohol level of .08 BAC or above. This represents more than 1,000 families every month that must live with the tragic consequences of drunk driving. Although alcohol-related fatalities have declined by more than 40 percent since MADD was founded in 1980, progress has stalled in recent years.
That is why MADD is launching a major new offensive in the war against drunk driving through its Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. By intensifying efforts, creating alliances and developing innovative solutions, together we can take the fight against drunk driving to a new and unprecedented level.
Through MADD's Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving, the possibility of eradicating a primary public health threat that has plagued the United States for a hundred years is now within reach. Join us.
Please consider making a charitable donation in support of MADD's lifesaving work.
Once again, thank you for your support.
Laura Dean-Mooney MADD National President 
This message does not accomodate email replies. |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | © 2009 Mothers Against Drunk Driving. 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy. Suite 700 Irving, TX 75062
| | | |
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